Monday, May 26, 2008

Catastrophic Event

It would appear that the Catastrophic Event held on Saturday, the 24th, was well attended and a successful affair.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Catastrophic Event

Remember tomorrow, Saturday, May 24 as the day for "The Catastrophic Event". It is being held at the Charlotte Street Arts and Learning Center between 1 and 5. It features music, an auction, cats, and a wide assortment of things to entertain -- and it is a fundraiser for:
ca-r-ma.ORG -- a cat resue organization. Tickets are $10 each.

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi
This blog concept is very timely for me. My oldest son has taken a leave from work and is on a 100-day trip across Canada and is documenting his travels in his blog. It is a great way for me to keep track of his progress, and also go in and add comments from MOM.

Friday, May 16, 2008

This is the view of the Magaguadavic River from my cottage.

Who Am I?

Who am I? During 5 days of the week I am a library assistant at the Science and Forestry Library. Beyond that I......

  • can get very involved in genealogy;

  • like cats, and collect cat & kitten ornaments (I have about 1000!);

  • enjoy traveling in this beautiful country of mine;

  • usually have a quilting project on the go;

  • spent time during the summer at our very modest cottage on the Magaguadavic River with my husband;

  • frequent yard sales;

  • and am always intriqued by the lives of my two grown sons.